Vitamin C is health from A to Z

Vitamin C is health from A to Z

There is a widespread belief that ascorbic acid (or vitamin C) is essential to keep the body in good shape. And rightly so! It fights free radicals, takes care of the condition of the skin, strengthens blood vessels, supports the functioning of the heart and brain.



However, our vitamin C is something more - it is a synergistic combination of natural ingredients - vitamin C from wild rose (perfectly absorbed by our body), turmeric and ginger. The natural composition developed in this way gives a synergy effect, i.e. a new, enhanced and broader effect.

Take the recommended dose in the form of a Vitamin C Smart dietary supplement from Raypath.

Why vitamins?

Vitamins are chemical compounds that the human body needs, but not all of them produce on its own, so it must provide itself with food. Vitamin C is one of the vitamins that the body cannot synthesize on its own.

Symptoms such as general fatigue, poor performance, bruises (brittle blood vessels), weakened immunity, difficulties in wound healing, joint pain, are characteristic of vitamin C deficiency. Long-term deficits lead to many serious diseases (including, for example, increasing the risk of heart attacks) and accelerate the aging process.

Therefore, it is logical that the supply of ascorbic acid supports the prevention of many chronic diseases, supports recovery processes, and has a significant anti-aging effect.

Vitamin C is best raw

Ascorbic acid is found in many foods, both of plant and animal origin. We find it, for example, in citrus fruits, berries, pineapple, mango, brassica vegetables or liver.

Since vitamin C is sensitive to heat, it is best to consume foods containing it raw or briefly steamed to preserve as much of the nutrients as possible.

At the turn of recent years, however, there has been a decrease in the content of vitamin C in individual fruits and vegetables, which makes it difficult to provide it in the right amounts to our body. To compensate for this difference, we need to eat more of the above-mentioned food or ... the easiest way is to choose a ready-made solution, i.e. a natural supplement.

Only natural ingredients

The natural Vitamin C Smart dietary supplement contains plant extracts, composed in such a way as to comprehensively support health. Rosehip helps maintain the proper functioning of the immune, respiratory, digestive and urinary systems. The vitamin C contained in it protects DNA, proteins and lipids against oxidative stress, and also stimulates the production of collagen, necessary for firm skin and efficient joints.

In addition, ginger and turmeric extracts strengthen the body and help fight fatigue. They have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

How does vitamin C work?

Vitamin C is a real superhero in the alphabet of vitamins. Get to know it powers:

  • has an antioxidant effect - delaying the aging of cells,
  • facilitates the absorption of iron, which helps maintain the proper level of hemoglobin and prevents anemia,
  • strengthens blood vessels and lowers cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart disease,
  • accelerates wound healing and blood clotting,
  • strengthens gums and teeth and even kills bacteria responsible for tooth decay,
  • participates in the synthesis of collagen, the building block of connective tissues, ensuring efficient joints and elastic skin,
  • increases the body's resistance to infections,
  • helps to maintain a good mood.

The power of the supplement comes from nature

Vitamin C for the Vitamin C Smart supplement is obtained from wild rose, which is one of the fruits with the highest content of this substance. The fruits of this plant contain flavonoids - very biologically active substances with antioxidant properties, which slow down the aging process. Rosehip helps in the proper functioning of the immune, respiratory, digestive and urinary systems.

In addition, the other ingredients have long been known for their health-promoting properties. So what is ginger famous for? You can rely on it in moments of weakness, as it supports the immune system and has stimulating and toning properties that increase resistance to fatigue. It reduces oxidative stress by protecting DNA, proteins and lipids from damage.

Turmeric is a spice whose properties have been used for a long time both in the kitchen and in traditional medicine of the Far East. And, like ginger, it is one of the most powerful naturally occurring antioxidants. It gives meals an intense yellow color and a pleasant aroma. It works great in dietary supplements, because it has a very strong anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial and cleansing effect.

Do you already have your Vitamin C Smart from Raypath? You will find it in the products section menu - dietary supplements tab.


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